Thursday, 28 June 2012

Speeches Term 3

Speech booklets have been given out. Please write your speech inside the booklet ready for the start of Term 3. You may write it seperately on refill or the computer BUT this must be placed/stapled into the booklet. The booklet includes initial topic planning, pointers and reminders on how to write a speech.

Speech requirements are as follows;
-speech needs to between 2 minutes 30 and 3 minutes long.
-your sppech must be completely written and ready for editing and or placing on cue cards in week one
Term 3.
-Cue cards should ideally only be keypoints or a shortened version of your speech (main points)
-Practise your speech at home and memorise it as much as possible.

You have all chosen fantastic topics so have fun writing.

Remember to add points of interest throughout your speech. A good way to keep
it interesting is to include a range of sentences; some short, some long and some medium sized!

Think of places to add pauses, add gestures and to make eye contact.

The introduction should include an interesting beginning to catch the audience such as a sound effect, role play or question
The Body of a speech should be interesting, make sense and follow a logical order
The conclusion includes a final statement about your topic

Projecting your voice well so everyone can hear
Making regular eye contact with the audience
Using some gestures when presenting
Adding expression in my voice to make my speech interesting
Having a good stance while delivering my speech

More Wacky Wednesday

By Isabelle

When I woke-up…I had such a fright! There was a shoe on my hat! My cat was half mat!   ‘Oh dear, oh dear! It’s wacky-Wednesday! How shocky!’

I ran into the toilet, four things were wacky, the loo, the shampoo, a fish, a dish! The shower a glacier! The sink, pink!

My room was wackier than ever! My bed… a flower! My room outside! My garden inside! 
Oh dear! Oh dear! My cat has gone double, no end just a head!

As I went downstairs I went double! I had two heads! I ran to my mum and said ‘mum mum! Everything is wacky!’ ‘Nothing is wacky, only you now go to school!’
So I went out the door……………….  crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Traditional Maori Medicine

Your home learning task: week 9
Using the internet, library, experts …
Find out what some of the traditional medicines that Maori used before settlers came to New Zealand.
You must:
·      Find three different treatments
·      A picture of each plant used
Explanation of how and what it was used for in your own words.

20 points
Information in own words
Correct and accurate

A useful link is below:

More Wacky Wednesday Writing

Wacky Wednesday
(On my way to school)
 as I was heading out the door, I saw a sleeping tiger on the floor. a tiger laying on floor ,red polka dots and more. Next I found a turtle in a tree, laying on top of a nest of eggs. Don’t you think that’s a bit weird?

Okay, now just about to walk into the school door, until I saw ten dogs flying in midair. a cow with no feet.  I lost it and I ran home

By Star

Wacky Wednesday
As I walked out of the door I saw chicken’s flying in the red sky and cars driving backwards to work. I walked along and saw more wacky things like 12 babies in a little pram and kids cartwheeling to school. I also missed the bus because it was going backwards.
After a long time walking to school I saw birds laying eggs on cars and worms chasing cats and the sun was green. All of a sudden I bumped into something invisible.
 I walked all the way to school I wonder what is going to happen next.
                                                                    By Rishika

When I walked out the door, I saw my little brother, he was a troll on his tricycle. My dad was late for work and drove backwards. At least my older sister was normal, I thought, NO she’s not, she’s doing the dishes!!!Wow, I could get used to that, no stay on track, stay on track!!!
Then I heard up down, bing bong. I looked up it was a flying pig, okay that’s weird now.
 I walked to school, where is my mum I thought, never mind. I looked to my left and saw Mrs. One baby with 100 babies in one pram. Then I looked to my right and Mr. flower water, was not watering his flowers but telling his wife to water them.
 Then I got to school and I said there’s my mum, she’s my teacher!
By Laura
Wacky Wednesday
As I walked out the door, I saw some more. There were three crocodiles, straight outside my door. As I walked past my neighbour’s house, there were no windows or doors at all. But there were more unusual things as kept walking.
There was a rat chasing a cat, a man in a pram, a yellow building, a girl with no neck, a dog with no tail and there was even more. I screamed and I yelled more and more, then suddenly I saw a car driving backwards, a bike with no wheels and a bird walking upside down.
As soon as I got to school, the school was pink and blue and that wasn’t so cool.

By Tapaswi

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Wacky Wednesday Writing

wacky Wednesday
(On Our Way To School)
When I walked out the door one day, something strange happened, okay. The sky was green and the grass was blue, does anything seem strange to you? I was walking on that path, just to get to school, until I bumped into this guy called Ziggedy Zaggedy Zoo. His head was pink and his clothes were red, “what a strange person” I said.
Then I finally got to school. Wow I hope that never happens again!

By Ally

Wacky Wednesday
As I was walking out of my house I saw a big fat cow, it was bright pink and blue. When I was walking along the path, I saw a car with a hole in the roof. On the roof there was a person with a shoe on their head.

As I was walking to school, I saw a child with a table on his head. As I was walking down the road, I saw a chicken with a phone in his pocket. When I was in my car driving to school I saw a bus with 10 wacky wheels. On my bike I saw a giant red and green rainbow coloured building.

Finally I arrived at school. The building was a really, really, really weird colour, it was as red as blood and as green as grass. A rainbow was as bright as anything. Outside the building there was a crocodile waiting by the gate.
By Grace 

Wacky Wednesday Writing

When I arrived at school something was wrong, could it have been that shoe? What shoe you ask, that one on the tree, what other ones are there to see?  Wait, why is Jordan teaching the class and Mrs Stevens writing a report? Hey people are sitting on desks and leaning on chairs, this is one weird day that I know for sure. Now, people read in their writing books and write in their Maths books. Getting in trouble for missing lines, I know that sounds wrong but it happened to me today. Yes it’s as I feared, today is a wacky Wednesday.
The bell rings twice and everybody rushes outside. In my lunchbox I find a banana peel, an apple core, a muffin wrapper and an empty chip packet. The bell rings once we rush to get changed then the hand bell rings and our buddy class come to look after us, they teach us how to read and write. Off we go to sport, we sit there shouting at the adults to forward skip, backwards skip and skip side to side.
Finally the day ends with a “good morning Mr. Jordan, see you yesterday and a thank you for being a good pupil”.
Wow today has been quite a wacky day and it ends when I exit through the main entrance.
By Hunter

Friday, 1 June 2012

Pacific Flowers

Check out our beautiful pacific flowers. We used pastels to colour inside and outside shades and then smudged to blend. The final step was to dye over the whole picture.

Report Writing Term Two

Haast Eagle
The Haast eagle was once the most feared predator in the land.  It had claws like tigers that it used to catch prey. It was the size of a hang glider.
It would sit in a tree, when it saw its prey; it would swoop down at 80 km per hour, crush the skull or hang on and fight it.
It lived in the south island only and was discovered in a swamp deposit by Sir Julius von Haast in 1870s.
Some Maori stories spoke of them carrying away their children and scientists found out that it was true.
The population was small, about 1000 breeding pairs. It was depicted in Maori rock paintings.
The Haast eagle was a giant bird at the top of the food chain.

BY Jack

The Haast Eagle
The Haast’s eagle was a very amazing (and a very scary) native New Zealand bird. It was the size of a hang glider and was the world’s biggest eagle.
The eagle had large tiger like talons which it used to hunt humongous creatures such as the N.Z native,200’g Giant Moa. Many of the New Zealand birds are camouflaged and nocturnal because they didn’t want to be the Haast Eagles’s main course.
He would swoop on his prey at 80km’s per hour, crush its skull and eat its dinner. Maori tales speak about innocent children being taken away by the legendary eagle. Well guess what? Scientists have proven this to be true!
The eagle only lived in the South Island of New Zealand.
Apparently it became extinct in the 1400’s however some people saw a large eagle in the 1900’s.
The eagle got his name from the explorer who found him; Sir Julius Von Haast. To see a real-life model of the eagle go to New Zealand’s national museum, Te Papa in Wellington.
The population wasn’t very big, around 1,000 breeding pairs.
It is so sad that this remarkable creature had to be taken away by the spirit of death.

By Hunter

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