Thursday, 21 June 2012

More Wacky Wednesday Writing

Wacky Wednesday
(On my way to school)
 as I was heading out the door, I saw a sleeping tiger on the floor. a tiger laying on floor ,red polka dots and more. Next I found a turtle in a tree, laying on top of a nest of eggs. Don’t you think that’s a bit weird?

Okay, now just about to walk into the school door, until I saw ten dogs flying in midair. a cow with no feet.  I lost it and I ran home

By Star

Wacky Wednesday
As I walked out of the door I saw chicken’s flying in the red sky and cars driving backwards to work. I walked along and saw more wacky things like 12 babies in a little pram and kids cartwheeling to school. I also missed the bus because it was going backwards.
After a long time walking to school I saw birds laying eggs on cars and worms chasing cats and the sun was green. All of a sudden I bumped into something invisible.
 I walked all the way to school I wonder what is going to happen next.
                                                                    By Rishika

When I walked out the door, I saw my little brother, he was a troll on his tricycle. My dad was late for work and drove backwards. At least my older sister was normal, I thought, NO she’s not, she’s doing the dishes!!!Wow, I could get used to that, no stay on track, stay on track!!!
Then I heard up down, bing bong. I looked up it was a flying pig, okay that’s weird now.
 I walked to school, where is my mum I thought, never mind. I looked to my left and saw Mrs. One baby with 100 babies in one pram. Then I looked to my right and Mr. flower water, was not watering his flowers but telling his wife to water them.
 Then I got to school and I said there’s my mum, she’s my teacher!
By Laura
Wacky Wednesday
As I walked out the door, I saw some more. There were three crocodiles, straight outside my door. As I walked past my neighbour’s house, there were no windows or doors at all. But there were more unusual things as kept walking.
There was a rat chasing a cat, a man in a pram, a yellow building, a girl with no neck, a dog with no tail and there was even more. I screamed and I yelled more and more, then suddenly I saw a car driving backwards, a bike with no wheels and a bird walking upside down.
As soon as I got to school, the school was pink and blue and that wasn’t so cool.

By Tapaswi

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