Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Speech Task Due 24th August

Historical event or person II

Your task is to present to a small group an informative speech about a famous NZ  person or a historical NZ event.

The speech needs to be a minimum of 1 minute long.

Choose a topic from the MANY different people and events on the CHRISTCHURCH CITY LIBRARIES KIDS WEBSITE-HOMEWORK ZONE (DISATERS AND FAMOUS NEW ZEALANDERS).-see weblinks on bottom of blog for link.

·         Choose a topic , read through your article and take notes, (or highlight key information)

·         Write the main ideas of your speech in your own words, remember to include important events about the disaster/person.

You can put either a picture or some words on a powerpoint or USb stick to help keep the audience interested.

A helpful checklist

Have you:
q researched your topic?
q used all the main points?
q practised reading the speech to a good level
q practised speaking with a clear voice?
q practised speaking without reading ?
q timed your speech so that it fits into the set time?

Does your speech:
q have a beginning, a middle, and an end?
q interest your audience?

Fractions, Percents, & Decimals

Below is an excellent link for most of the areas covered in class. Choose what skill you have being doing in your Maths class.Work your way through the fraction activities; each part is clearly explained and uses visuals to help,  THEN try the quiz right at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

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