Wednesday, 31 October 2012

EXcellence in ICAS Results

Have a look at the amazing results in the last newsletter...


We have received notification that Benjamin   achieved the top score in New Zealand in ICAS English in Year 4 and will be receiving a University of New South Wales medal in December. Congratulations Benjamin, this
is an outstanding achievement.!

Keep watching for more about this as Benjamin is going to be interviewed by the local newspaper!

Q R Codes Term 4

QR Codes!
On Monday 15,th Room1 learnt how to do QR Codes with Mrs. Prescot     our ICT teacher.

This is what a QR Code looks like this:

        Handy Hints                    Answer

How muchmore do you pay to mail a first-class letter by U.S. Postal Service today than your great-grandfather would have on November 3, 1917?

Please have a go but don’t bother if you don’t have an ipad.
First you use the keywords and use them to find out the answer, then go on Google and type the keywords then your answer will probably come up.

Then if you have an ipad you can scan picture, (QR code) then you will get your answer. But you do need a special app to do this.
By Jasmin

Tuesday, 2 October 2012



In Term 4 we will be looking at some different features of poetry including rhyme, similes, metaphors, alliteration and personification. 

Your task is to choose a poem of interest. Then to memorize and present it back to the class. The poem needs to have 4 stanzas or more and be suitable for sharing back to class.

Please have this ready by the end of week 1.

We will start to look at at the features and present poems in week 2.

Some useful links are below. You may like to get a library book out to choose from, talk to Mum and Dad about poems they like and why.

The below two links have a range of poems but do have a lot of advertiseing to watch out for.

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