Monday, 17 September 2012

Senior Assembly Items Week 8


  1. Hello Room 1 I really liked all the pictures especially the pictures when you're moving.

    The only thing is that you haven't told us what Room 1 is doing in the photos.

    So what are they doing?

    By Sarah

  2. Dear Room 1,
    I really enjoyed your assembly. I thought the brain artwork was magnificent!I also thought that the dancing with Holly and Zoe was a very cool way to start the assembly.By the way, did you think Room 5s assembly was succesful?

    Here are some questions for you to answer:

    How long did it take for you to finish the brain pictures?

    How many times did Holly and Zoe have to practise the dance moves?

    Did all of you have a good time doing the assembly?

    Please reply ASAP!

    by Liana


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